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Kids in Slide

Child & Youth Wellness Action Group

Our Vision

A healthy informed and resilient Oceanside community

Our Mission

To collaboratively promote well-being by cultivating learning about healthy child and youth development and by fostering compassionate responses to all those impacted by poverty, mental illness, trauma, and substance use.

Core Values

Compassion and Empathy


  • To promote and nurture healthy development that ensures health, nutrition, responsive caregiving, safety, security and early and ongoing learning

  • To facilitate community conversations about healthy development and the impact of early trauma across all sectors, using common language, promoting curiosity rather than judgement and seeking a diverse intergenerational perspective.

  • To share knowledge and raise awareness of new scientific evidence on child and youth brain development and impacts of early trauma (Lancet, First 2000 Days and Beyond, Adverse Childhood Experiences, Harvard Center on the Developing Child, Brain Story, etc.)

Our Partners

  • Population & Public Health, Healthy Communities - Island Health

  • RCMP

  • Ministry for Children & Families (MCFD) - Child & Youth Mental Health

  • School District 69 (SD69)

  • Society of Organized Services


  • Oceanside Building & Learning Together (OBLT)

  • Parent Support Services of BC


  • Community at Large Members

To join or learn more about the Child Youth Wellness Action Group, contact Emily Dunbar

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